My Story
Hello I am Debbie, thank you for taking a closer peek.
My home state is WI, I lived in FL for 16 years and now make my home in NC. I am a wife, mother of 2, grandma of 2 dogs and a turtle. I am a supervisor for a major card company and love, love, love my Scentsy.
It all stated when........
2011-I received a stocking stuffer Christmas gift from my MIL, Shirley, a bar of wax and a nightlight warmer.
2012-January 7th, I began my journey as a Scentsy Consultant. Over the next 6 months, I built a nice customer base and team. This extra $$ allowed me to visit my parents 3 separate visits over the course of 5 weeks. This business has been the greatest gift, especially in those 3 separate visits, I was able to see my parents alive one last time.
Fast forward-2020, I continue to dedicate myself to this amazing company, Heidi and Orville, blessing others with Scentsy and all the people in my circle.
I could not do this without the any of them, we are part of an incredible team.
Are you ready to get started and build the life you have always dreamed of? Join me today
More to come ..........